Thursday, 6 August 2015

Import Eclipse project into Android Studio

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Hi , for some developer it will little difficult move on from eclipse into android studio. because the hirarchy of project is different beetwen eclipse and android studio. Here I provide a tutorial to import your eclipse project to android studio.

1. Setting -- Open your folder eclipse project, you can found file project properties in outside.

2.  you must remove all line android.library.reference.1


1. Open your android studio.
2. Select Import Eclipse ADT, Gradle, Etc.
3. Select your modified eclipse project
4. Checklist all menu
5. Your project ready


 -For example google play services library you can see this link


Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Berita Islam - Android App

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Berita Islam merupakan aplikasi yang menyediakan berita atau hal mengenai islam itu sendiri. Konten diambil dari RSS Feed beberapa website yaitu:


Kata kunci: berita, islam, berita islam, berita islami, kumpulan berita islam, berita islam android, aplikasi berita islam, flat ui, flat design, android flat ui

Tahsin Hijaiyah - Android App

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Tahsin hijaiyah merupakan aplikasi mobile yang mempermudah pengguna untuk belajar tahsin huruf hijaiyah dimanapun dan kapanpun. Menampilkan aturan-aturan pengucapan untuk masing-masing huruf hijaiyah beserta rekaman untuk latihan.


Kata kunci: tahsin, hijaiyah, tahsin hijaiyah, aplikasi tahsin, tahsin android, android tahsin, hijaiyah tahsin,  flat design, simple design, design ui, android flat desig

Super Note - Android App

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Super note is an application to make quick notes easy and simple, such as a phone number, email, etc. shopping list. This application is very easy to use and can be unlimited text storage.

Feature :
1. Flat User Interface
2. Dynamic Splash Screen
3. SQLite Database
4. Dynamic Theme Color
5. 14+ Color Variation
6. Sharing with Social Media
7. And many more

Keyword : note, super note, android note, note android, flat design, dynamic splash screen, android flat design



Al Ma'surat Android

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Al-Matsurat disusun oleh Imam Syahid Hasan Al-Banna. Di dalamnya terdiri dari ayat-ayat pilihan dan lafal-lafal dari hadits Rasulullah saw yang biasa beliau amalkan dalam wiridnya, untuk dibaca setiap pagi dan petang. Dalam aplikasi Al-Masurat ini kumpulan wirid dan doa tersebut dikemas dalam bentuk aplikasi yang sederhana dan mudah digunakan.
Fitur :
1. Read - Merupakan halaman utama untuk membaca wirid dan doa yang disertai dengan terjemah dalam bahasa indonesia.
2. Reminder - Atau bisa disebut pengingat yang bisa di atur sesuai keinginan.

Developer : Adrian Eka Fikri, Fahrizal Bimantara, Muslim Sidiq

Keyword : Al-Masurat, Al Ma'surat, Al-Ma'surat, Al-Mathurat, Al Mathurat, Almathurat android, Android Al Masurat, Aplikasi Al Masurat, Android App, flat ui, simple ui, clean ui, flat ui/ux, android flat ui


Tuesday, 7 July 2015

My Dictionary - Aplikasi Kamus Inggris Indonesia

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Dewasa ini kebutuhan akan kecepatan informasi menjadi salah satu topik hangat di msayarakat.

Penggunaan kanus konvensional dirasa sudah tidaj efektif lagi karena selain memakan tempay, penggunaan kertas juga dapat menyebabkan global warming,..
Maka dari itu tim restu ibu mencoba memberika solusi dengan membuat aplikasi Kamus Terjemah Bahasa Inggris ke Indonesia dan Indonesia Ke bahasa inggris yang berjalan pada plaform android, sehingga Kamus ini cukup mudah digunakan dan sederhana.

aplikasi My Dictionary ini dapat diunduh di playstore pada link berikut

Semoga Bermanfaat

Tag : Aplikasi kamus, kamus android, kamus, kamus Inggris-Indonesia, flat kamus, flat ui, flat design, blue, dictionary, kamusku, kamus app, app kamus, android kamus

Aplikasi Mudik Android

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Hallo, kali ini tim restu ibu meluncurkan aplikasi terbaru, yaitu aplikasi mudik, aplikasi ini memudahkan par pemudik untuk menemukan jalur, mencari tempat2 penting dan beberapa informasi lalulintas,

Aplikasi ini di bangun di atas platform android, dengan tanpilan yang sederhana dan sangat mudah di gunakan,

Aplikasi mudik ini dapat di download di google play

Download aplikasi disini

Semoga bermanfaat

Kata kunci : aplikasi mudik, mudik 2015, android mudik, mudik android, petunjuk arah, jalur mudik, mudik, flat design, flat ui, simple ui, ayo mudik, app mudik, mudik app

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

add google play services library

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Here are the right steps to import google play services lib in Eclipse.
  • Goto Menu File and select Import
  • Select “Existing Android Code Into Workspace” in Android folder in popup window
  • Click “Browse” to find the google player services lib folder. In my example, the location is:
  • D:\android-sdk-windows\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib
    or you can download here [DOWNLOAD]
  • Check “Copy projects into workspace” option
  • Click “Finish” button

Add Google Play Services Lib into Android Project

Now, you need to add google play services library into your android project. Follow these step by step instructions:
  • Right click on your android project and select “Properties”
  • Select “Android” section
  • Click “Add” in library area
  • Select “google-play-services_lib” and click “OK”
  • Click “Apply” and click “OK”

source :

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Android Project Hierarchy

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User specified java source code files will be available here.

2.genThe gen directory in an Android project contains auto generated files. You can see inside this folder which is a generated class which contains references to certain resources of the project. is automatically created by the Eclipse IDE and any manual changes are not necessary.

Android supports resources like images and certain XML configuration files, these can be keep separate from the source code. All these resources should be placed inside the res folder. This res folder will be having sub-folders to keep the resources based on its type.

Used to define strings, colors, dimensions, styles and static arrays of strings or integers. By convention each type is stored in a separate file, e.g. strings are defined in the res/values/strings.xml file.

This folder contains animations in XML for the property animation API which allows to animate arbitrary properties of objects over time.

This folder contains the layouts to be used in the application.A layout resource defines the architecture for the UI in an Activity or a component of a UI. These are resource directories in an application that provides different layout designs for different screen sizes

This folder contains menu resources to be used in the application (Options Menu, Context Menu, or submenu)

Drawable folders are resource directories in an application that provides different l bitmap drawables for medium, high, and extra high density screens.

External library files will be placed in this folder. If you want to any external library in your project place the library jar inside this folder and it will be added to the classpath automatically.

This folder contains raw hierarchy of files and directories, with no other capabilities. It is just an unstructured hierarchy of files, allowing you to put anything you want there and later retrieve as raw byte streams.

Bin folder is the area used by the compiler to prepare the files to be finally packaged to the application’s APK file. This includes Compiling your Java code into class files. Putting your resources (including images) into a structure to be zipped into the APK This is the output directory of the build. This is where you can find the final .apk file and other compiled resources.

All the android applications will have an AndroidManifest.xml file in the root directory. This file will contain essential information about the application to the Android system, information the system must have before it can run any of the application's code. This control file describes the nature of the application and each of its components

Source :

Importing Android Project into Eclipse ADT Bundle

1 comment
Open the eclipse ADT

File --> Import

Select “Existing Android Code into Workspaceà Next

Choose browse and select folder of your project --> OK

if you want to copy the project into your eclipse workspace please checked "Copy project into workspace"
Select Finish.

Download Eclipse ADT bundle for Android

Here if you looking for the link to download ADT bundle for android :

[Windows x86-64]
[Windows x86]
[Mac OS x86-64]
[Linux x86]
[Linux x86-64]

Please enjoy it :)